
Zagg energizes 9th AMVCA, celebrates Africa’s biggest movie stars

Zagg energizes 9th AMVCA, celebrates Africa’s biggest movie stars

See all the Zagg moments from the 9th edition of the AMVCAs Lights have dimmed, curtains closed, but the energy remains unforgettable, at the ninth edition of the Africa Magic Viewers’ Choice Awards (AMVCA), proudly sponsored by Zagg Energy+Malt. From May 18th to 20th, Zagg Energy+Malt infused the event with energy and excitement, elevating the star-studded occasion showcasing the best of African stories, and honoring remarkable achievements in the film and television industry. Here are the Zagg moments from the 3-Day lineup! Opening Night Setting the stage for a weekend brimming with unending glamour, the Opening Night and Cultural Day…
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Experts reveal that men are responsible for 60 percent cause of  Infertility

Experts reveal that men are responsible for 60 percent cause of Infertility

The high rate of male infertility has become a big worry to many health practitioners. Expert Research findings show that more men are suffering from infertility than ever, a development described by a fertility scientist, Dr. Shanna Swan, as a “global existential crisis.” Swan warned, “The current state of reproductive affairs couldn’t continue much longer without threatening human survival.” According to the US Population Reference Bureau’s 2021 Data Sheet, fertility is down in many nations, including low, middle, and high-income countries. The World Health Organization, WHO, has also recognized the decline in counts and quality of spermatozoa, which gave rise…
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After being absent for a long time, Emeka Ike comes back as a musician.

After being absent for a long time, Emeka Ike comes back as a musician.

Emeka Ike, a legend in Nollywood and the former president of the Actors Guild of Nigeria (AGN), who has been absent from the movie industry for a while due to his lack of love interest roles on our screens, has suddenly made a comeback, albeit as a singer. This comes after the actor, who is also the founder and CEO of Nollywood TV, vowed not to follow other well-known Nollywood stars who entered the music industry. He appeared as a rapper/singer on the song "Put It Inside" by Mykeypondafone, a musician who had previously collaborated with Ruff Coin (Nwa Aba)…
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An I-Report Of CHAMA Aba 2 Chapter Inauguration

An I-Report Of CHAMA Aba 2 Chapter Inauguration

By Ijeoma Egbu It was simply a replica of CHAMA family Goodness moments either during Invasions or any other opportunity where Warriors gather. Learning, interacting, fun. The atmosphere was lit with joy and excitement. Of course, proofs can never be debated. There is no doubt that guests felt a chunk of whatever they heard about CHAMA as a family and an organization. Pastor Gloria and the warriors in Aba 2 were amazing and prepared. It is glaring that they understand the vision and are set to run with it. Our zonal leaders proved that they are warriors indeed who are…
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Over 25 Eye Surgeries Carried Out By CHAMA Ophthalmologists, 100% Free

Over 25 Eye Surgeries Carried Out By CHAMA Ophthalmologists, 100% Free

I,the LORD, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand. I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles, to open eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness. “I am the LORD; that is my name! I will not yield my glory to another or my praise to idols.”(Isaiah 42:6-8). “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that…
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Veteran nigeria actor ameachi muonagor is dead veteran nigeran actor ameachi muonagor has reportedly died…. Copyright © 2025 · avondale house dental surgery. Zanzibar beach holiday : relaxation & adventure visit tarangire.