
UN Menstrual Hygiene Day: GTWA empowers over 600 young girls

UN Menstrual Hygiene Day: GTWA empowers over 600 young girls

In commemoration of the annual United Nations (UN) World Menstrual Hygiene Day, over 600 schoolgirls have been empowered on how they can take care of their menstrual health. They were also given sanitary pads by Girls Talk With Ariyiike (GTWA), a charity initiative led by actress and event host, Ariyiike Owolagba. At the outreach which took place at Abeokuta Grammar School, healthcare practitioners engaged schoolgirls between the ages of 10 and 17 years on their menstrual health. The project was in partnership with the Office of the First Lady of Ogun State and Procter & Gamble, makers of Always Nigeria.…
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Experts reveal that men are responsible for 60 percent cause of  Infertility

Experts reveal that men are responsible for 60 percent cause of Infertility

The high rate of male infertility has become a big worry to many health practitioners. Expert Research findings show that more men are suffering from infertility than ever, a development described by a fertility scientist, Dr. Shanna Swan, as a “global existential crisis.” Swan warned, “The current state of reproductive affairs couldn’t continue much longer without threatening human survival.” According to the US Population Reference Bureau’s 2021 Data Sheet, fertility is down in many nations, including low, middle, and high-income countries. The World Health Organization, WHO, has also recognized the decline in counts and quality of spermatozoa, which gave rise…
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Over 25 Eye Surgeries Carried Out By CHAMA Ophthalmologists, 100% Free

Over 25 Eye Surgeries Carried Out By CHAMA Ophthalmologists, 100% Free

I,the LORD, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand. I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles, to open eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness. “I am the LORD; that is my name! I will not yield my glory to another or my praise to idols.”(Isaiah 42:6-8). “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that…
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I’m scared Nnamdi Kanu may die, Ozekhome tells S’Court

I’m scared Nnamdi Kanu may die, Ozekhome tells S’Court

Nnamdi Kanu’s Senior Counsel, Mike Ozekhome has told the Supreme Court that he is scared that the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) might die in the custody of the Department of State Services (DSS). Ozekhome, during the hearing on Thursday, told the apex court that Kanu’s health issues have deteriorated and he needs a surgical operation. The lawyer asked the court to rule in favour of the transfer of Kanu from DSS custody to Kuje correctional centre so that he can begin treatment. “My Lords, Nnamdi Kanu is sick, he has been approved for surgery but they…
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